Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Meet the team - Mark

Name – Mark
Home town – Tadley, Hampshire
Interests – Besides cycling it’s skateboarding, racquet ball, snowboarding and watching Jeremy Kyle
Bikes – On One Scandal, Specialized Allez, Trek Fuel, Yeti ASX
Favourite type of riding – Anything really but you can’t beat a bit of downhill
Favourite riding area – Cwm Carn
Food – Anything but sweet corn
Favourite quote – “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it” – Ferris Bueller
Most likely to be found at the event – doing registrations and hopefully a bit of riding (if it’s not raining)
Anything else you think we should know – One of my secret hobbies is phillumeny


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'd like to do the ride at the weekend but I notice your wheels have come off the ground in this picture, is this normal? Also I have a bicylce helmet but it does not have a mouth guard attached will this be acceptable? If not will you have some mouth guards for sale at the event? Finally, if the ride is too hard for me will you come and help me in some way?