Friday 5 February 2010

Position Available

It's with regret that I have to announce that one of the team is departing the ranks. Most of the Ride It guys are part time and some work their main job around our schedule. Unfortunately this has become too much for Debs as her "real" work has grown recently and shows no sign of slowing down. So for her own sanity and to actually get time off she's decided to step down.

This does, however, create a position available with us. The basic bones of the job are, 6 days a month (2 days one weekend, 4 days on another), all travelling, food and accommodation paid whilst on the job. You should be confident with talking to customers, like early starts, be able to cycle a bike a reasonable distance (although this is not critical) and work within a tight, friendly team.

The job is advertised here:-

as Event Assistant.

Debs will be hanging around until her replacement is appointed, so please pat her on the back for 2 years of graft, helping Ride It become the success it is.



Anonymous said...

When you say it is a tight team, is that in a financial or sexual nature?

The Ride It! Team said...

Both, we don't like to pay for it :-)