Monday, 16 March 2009

Woking this weekend

Woking is fast approaching and it looks like it's going to be a busy, sunny event! Added to the usual goodies we offer, we'll also have a large selection of sale items at the event and some more bikes for you to look at.

We are bringing down a huge selection of our sale items for you to rummage through, with bins and racks of cheap clothing and accessories to sift through!

Colanago are also dropping off 5 of there lovely road bikes for you to drool over. Unfortunately these won't be available to demo, but we do have 2 in the fleet so you can always book a ride for this event or an upcoming one.

We have a photographer on the Sunday ride as well. Cycling Weekly are featuring the ride in an upcoming magazine - so smile, you might be in print. Photos will be available to buy after the event.

As always, more reports through this week as we put out the courses.