Saturday, 18 April 2009

Hatfield Saturday

A great sunny day today that saw over 250 riders tackling the off road ride.


Anonymous said...

Great ride/mud bath.

Fastest time on Meduim distance was 41 mins average speed 36 miles per hour.

Someone found a short cut or took their trials bike along or thats a world record.

Look forward to Brighton.

C U then.


The Ride It! Team said...

You may have noticed a different format to the results for Saturday. We were trying out a new spread sheet for the upcoming KOTD which makes entering details easier if you have numbers on the front of your bike. As you didn't, it caused us a few problems!!!!

After the event I go through and put everthing in order, but must have missed this one!

Unless he realy did have a trials bike that is!

See you in Brighton.
