Monday, 19 October 2009

Cliddesden - Clocks go back!

Just been pointed out to me that the clocks go back this weekend. Great news as we all get an hour longer in bed on Sunday, but it does mean that we'll be reverting to the winter distances for the road ride. These are 12-15 miles for fun, 30, 50, and 70miles for Short, Med and Long.



Anonymous said...

I've been trying to book a train ticket online to get to this and it keeps saying i cant take my bike!!

Does anyone know if i can just turn up and take my bike on, or will they stop me???
I really want to go as its near london and i have just got my new bike. So frustrating...

The Ride It! Team said...

Hi Paul.

Had this problem before. Web said the train had a "Bike Policy" so I phoned them up to find out what it was and was told it was a "Bike Policy"!!! When I asked if that meant I could take a bike on the train, they said it would be up to the train driver/guard. Which meant they wouldn't tell me if, after I'd cycled to the station, I could get on the train. Pretty useless.

The only thing I can suggest is to phone them up and try to find out. Failing that, just turn up and get on in a very determined fasion.


Anonymous said...


The guy on the phone was not at all helpful..

So i am just gonna get to waterloo early on saturday morning and take my chances.. Hopefully i will get to ride.

Maybe the trains bike spots were all booked up because of people going to this ride??

The Ride It! Team said...

Yeah, getting someone on the phone who knows what they're talking about was a bit optimistic!!!

Good luck and hope to see you at the ride.
